Friday, August 26, 2011

The US Marijuana Conspiracy: Will the War on Drugs Ever End?

Though the Majority of Americans favor Legalization, Yearly over 1.5 Million People  are Arrested for Pot!

The trouble began long ago during the Great Depression, when millions of Mexican laborers poured into the Southwest, taking jobs that were in short supply. Soon these immigrants were blamed for all of society's ails.

Since many of these Mexicans liked to smoke weed, it wasn't long before the blame for unemployment, poverty, crime and immorality, even Juniors bellyaches was passed on to marijuana. Soon pot became public enemy number one, and the persecution of those who smoked it had begun. 

California, nine States passed legislation outlawing immigrant populations from smoking pot between 1906 and 1927. During this time, one senator told the Texas legislature: “All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff (pot) is what makes them crazy.”

How Pot Smokers were made into Criminals

After 1930, anti-pot laws spread to the eastern states, but by then the government expanded to include African-Americans involved in jazz, making them their demographic target user. Harry Anslinger, the first director of the newly established Bureau of Narcotics told Congress in 1937: 
"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, results from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."
Anslinger’s racist and biased remarks was regularly published in newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst. Considering Hearst owned considerable timber interests, many believe to this day, that his support of the anti-hemp initiative was really because he feared hemp-based paper would end up replacing tree-based paper for newspaper contracts.

Unfortunately, the infant hemp industry seemed to threaten these rich men's monopoly in the pulp and paper industry. In fact, in 1937, Popular Science predicted that hemp would become a billion dollar industry.

Jack Herer concluded in 1985 that the DuPont corporation had plenty to do with the criminalization of cannabis in his book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes (available for FREE just for signing up for our also FREE newsletter), pointing out that DuPont owned the patent for creating paper from wood pulp, which would have seriously been threatened by hemp based pulp.

The War on Drugs

Whether Anslinger was on the take by DuPont doesn’t really matter. He was ambitious and saw the fear of marijuana as his ticket. The Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties wrote: “William Randolph Hearst, whose papers led the fight, offered Anslinger space in his papers and magazines, and Anslinger gladly availed himself of the opportunity. He published one article after the other with scare stories warned against the dangers of hemp.

Anslinger was instrumet in having the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 passed, making the possession or transfer of cannabis illegal throughout the U.S. In the 1969 Supreme Court case Harvard professor turned LSD advocate, Timothy Leary vs. United States, this law was declared unconstitutional. Effectively Congress repealed the Tax Act and replaced it with the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, keeping pot illegal.

With propaganda calling cannabis the great corrupter of youth, alcohol consumption became the number two cause of death, after lung cancer.

Today, due to education about the dangers of their use, alcohol and tobacco consumption is dropping. And although marijuana consumption peaked about twelve years ago, it is again on the rise, particularly among today's youth, in spite of anti-pot propaganda. Considering new studies have completely overturned the gateway myth surrounding marijuana (check out my article, New Research Suggests Marijuana is NOT Gateway Drug as Believed), it is indicated that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

Although I have tried to publicize the benefits of marijuana with articles such as, Is Marijuana really the Wonder-Drug that could Help Millions or actually a Menace of Society?, most mainstream media would rather not publish such information, for fear of advocating marijuana use. Instead, it continues to publish anti-marijuana propaganda, naming it drug abuse education, and saying it is necessary to warn people of the dangers of drug abuse. Education such as this, no matter how well intentioned, will not prevent use, abuse or addiction. 

Surveys suggest that 41% of Americans have tried marijuana and that 52% of Americans now favor legalization.  

Regardless of marijuana’s growing acceptance, most of our elected officials still won’t come out of the closet to support the use of medical marijuana because they don’t want to appear pro-legalization. They still believe this as political suicide, though I believe that this could actually produce a winning ticket.

If Marijuana were Legalized America might not even Notice

Should the legalization of marijuana ever be passed, many experts feel mainstream America might not even notice the difference.

Studies and statistics show that society would not fall apart if marijuana were legalized. Few would smoke more pot, commit more crimes or be to lazy to go to work. Only the nearly 900,000 people who are arrested for pot each year will be spared a tremendous amount of pain.

However, things won't change anytime soon. Pot’s continued criminalization has been championed, under and over the table by the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, the prison-industrial complex and many law enforcement agencies,  all of which have  something to loose should marijuana ever be legalized.

And so marijuana remains illegal.

Industries Opposing Marijuana Legalization

The idea that alcohol and tobacco companies would oppose looser restrictions on marijuana may seem ridiculous. Both industries are in the business of making people feel good, after all. However, research discovered that pot is more a substitute for alcohol and tobacco than a complement.

Amanda Reiman, a UC Berkeley social scientist, published a 2009 study in the Harm Reduction Journal that 40 percent of her patient population had substituted cannabis for booze somewhere down the line, worrying tobacco and alcohol companies about losing market share to marijuana.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, otherwise known as, NORML, used a Freedom of Information Act in 1991, requesting to examine the nonprofit that provides anti-drug resources to parents funding called the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. They discovered that half of the organization’s capital came from the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries!

In a CNN interview about a California Beer and Beverage Distributors $10,000 donation to Public Safety First, an organization fighting against California’s Prop 19, Mason Tvert, executive director of SAFER (a Colorado-based pro-pot advocacy group), said: 
“Every objective study on marijuana has concluded that it’s a far safer substance than alcohol. Clearly what we’re seeing here is that the alcohol industry is trying to prevent competition. They realize that marijuana is the next most popular recreational drug after alcohol and they want to insure the booze keeps flowing and the pot does not.”
However, there are those who feel that these industries are actually playing both sides of the fence, considering that no one is better positioned to start selling legal marijuana than the alcohol and tobacco industries.

Marijuana Arrest Statistics

Marijuana arrests are close to a record high in spite of continued efforts to control its smuggling into the United States and to eradicate its cultivation domestically. In 2009 alone, more than 1.7 million people were brought in on marijuana-related charges, with over half being arrested for simply smoking pot. 

According to a report by Drug Science public policy analyst Jon Gettman, enforcing America’s pot laws costs taxpayers $10.7 billion yearly. And that doesn't count the strain on our criminal justice system or the disruption of the lives of those who find themselves in the criminal justice system with a record for smoking pot.

Although lately even some police organizations have spoken out for the legalization of marijuana, “No group is more opposed to the legalization of marijuana than law enforcement,” said NORM spokesman Allen St. Pierre. “They aren’t just arguing for preserving the current status quo—they want stiffer penalties and more restrictions and the reason is simple: it’s job security.” At least 30 percent of the work of law enforcement currently revolves around marijuana prohibition, with pot accounting for more than 50 percent of all drug arrests according to Allen St. Pierre.

Although I'm sure there are plenty of police associations across America that oppose the legalization of marijuana, maybe even actively lobby to keep it illegal, there are also some police groups actively speaking out for the legalization of marijuana, the most prominent of which is probably, L.E.A.P., or Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies.

The Global Commission on Drug Policy says America's War on Drugs is a total failure. In a new initiative, the Commission has made some important new, game-changing recommendations in its Drug Policy Report (read my article, The Global Commission on Drug Policy says War on Drugs is Total Failure) on how to bring more effective control over the illicit drug trade.

When will America say, enough already, lets end this futile War on Drugs that's never going to work and put the cartels, smugglers and local dealers out of business? What is it even the business of our government to tell us what we can and cannot put into our own bodies? When where do we draw the line of our personal freedom?

If you have any thoughts or beliefs you would like to share with Conspiracy Watch readers, please leave a comment bellow.

Written By: Tom Retterbush
Updated: 5-21-12

You may also want to check out some of my related articles, such as, Big Alcohol Industry's Ongoing Conspiracy to Squash America's Marijuana Law Reform  and Why Parents Should Support the Legalization of Marijuana on my Addicts Not Anonymous blog.

If you want to do a thorough, comprehensive examination of the cannabis issue, I strongly recommend you read the FREE ebook The Emperor Wears No Clothes, subtitled, The Historical Record of the Conspiracy Against Marijuana (available for FREE just for signing up for our also FREE newsletter), by Jack Herer, who has written perhaps the most authoritative history of hemp's myriad uses and of the war on this plant, just as it has become high-profile news, with supporters such as Woody Harrelson and Willie Nelson. With this book, Herer thoroughly documents the petrochemical industry's plot to outlaw this renewable source of paper, energy, food, textiles, and medicine. It includes lots of photos, illustrations, charts and tables.

The Historical Record of the Conspiracy Against Marijuana
The lies and propaganda we Americans have been fed about cannabis is not only astounding but sickening, and Jack Herer necessarily shines a bright light into the dark recesses of our nation's cannabis hypocrisy. Parents, before you talk with your kids about "marijuana", read this book! Why? This book is more that about getting high. It explains the history of cannabis, its uses as well as the governmental and commercial conspiracy against cannabis in the US. 
Download it FREE with Conspiracy Watch Newsletter, HERE

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are We Headed for Possible Economic Collapse, Depression, Anarchy, even Civil War?

The Death of the Dollar and the End of America as we know it is more probable with each passing day! 

What would America and the World look like if suddenly the Stock Market Crashed, the Dollar Collapsed and Money would become totally and completely Worthless? 

I am going to paint a picture for you, of what your world may look like should the once unthinkable become reality.

The Beginning of the End

Actually, the beginning of the End has already begun. But for arguments sake, let us draw a picture of how things could go from bad to terribly bad really quick.

Obama and his Administration's officials don't seem too worried by the dollar's slide. We live in a world where those in political and economic power need not worry about the concerns of average Americans like you or I. They don't have to worry about how to protect, feed, clothes or house their loved ones. Even if the SHTF, they would undoubtedly have food to eat and a place to stay, away from the big cities, their food shortages, riots and violence.

Rather that painstakingly trying to describe this to you in black on white, why not just watch this short color video which makes my point crystal clear.

If you watched the above video, you might have an idea of what would happen next. Panic, Martial Law, anarchy, civil war, war, perhaps even world war.  

The End could Come Suddenly and without Warning

In the article, Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’ by Brent Gardner Smith, Harvard professor and author, Niall Ferguson, opened the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival with a stark warning about the increasing prospect of the American “empire” suddenly collapsing due to the country’s rising debt level, put it like this:
“I think this is a problem that is going to go live really soon,” Ferguson said. “In that sense, I mean within the next two years. Because the whole thing, fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos. And we’ve seen already in Greece what happens when the bond market loses faith in your fiscal policy.”
Ferguson also said that empires such as the former Soviet Union, the Roman empire and now the United States of America can collapse quite quickly, and the tipping point is often when the cost of servicing an empire’s debt is larger than the cost of its defense budget.

The scenario when the dollar decline takes on a life of its own could happen suddenly and without warning. Selling promotes more selling. The world's central bankers and finance ministers try to intervene to prop up the currency, but speculators, having tasted victory, aren't scared off. Paul R. Krugman, a Princeton University economist once called this the Wile E. Coyote scenario, after the Road Runner cartoons character who runs off a cliff but doesn't start to fall until he looks down only to see that there's nothing under his feet.

Speculation that the dollar is headed for a tumble can become self-fulfilling if traders rush for the exit. Ashraf Laidi, chief foreign exchange strategist at CMC Markets, a London currency and commodity brokerage, says "right now there is around a 30% to 40% chance we are going to see the dollar falling toward a crisis point."

Hyperinflation Could Emerge Quickly

Currency traders don't put much stock in the statements of support for a strong dollar by Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and other Administration officials. They note that Treasury chiefs dating back to the Clinton Administration have said they support a strong dollar, yet the U.S. has not supported its currency through purchases since 1995.

If the dollar did tumble, import prices might rise faster than most economists now expect. New research by Columbia University economists Emi Nakamura and Jon Steinsson shows that the "pass-through" from a cheap currency to high import prices was underestimated because of poor data. In other words, inflation could emerge more quickly than is commonly believed. It would be disastrous for the economy if the Federal Reserve had to jack up interest rates to cool inflation or defend the currency while growth remained weak. A lower dollar makes Americans poorer by cutting the purchasing power of their currency. And there's no guarantee it would bolster U.S. industry, says David Malpass, president of New York research firm Encima Global. Malpass says the fall of the dollar in the late 1980s hurt rather than helped Detroit by giving Japan the buying power to strengthen its automakers. Says Mallpass: "We can make ourselves poor enough that we can't import very much and we'll have balanced trade. But how would that be good for the U.S.?"

When the Dollar Dies

If the government goes bankrupt, you'll have an extremely angry, confused, and frustrated populace that has little faith in its leaders, combined with a horrific economy and a reduced ability of the government to keep order. Under those circumstances, widespread rioting and violent crime seem entirely plausible.

I would surely expect that all things imported, particularly oil would be hard, if not impossible to get. Since modern society is totally dependent on oil for both manufacturing and transportation, nothing would get produced or shipped, bringing everything to a standstill. This could lead to shortages of food, clothing, building material and other supplies. 

When Argentina had its crisis, violence went up 142% and "young men began looting supermarkets."

Zimbabwe hit hyperinflation from too much printing, and became a third world country with riots, civil outbreaks, kidnapping of children, malnutrition and starvation. 

Think of Germany in WW2 when their currency collapsed. The impact on their standard of living should paint a decent picture if the dollar does collapse... sorry, when it will collapse.  Here is some of what happened during the German hyperinflation of the currency in Weimar Republic after it started printing money nonstop, around the clock:
The flight from currency that had begun with the buying of diamonds, gold, country houses, and antiques now extended to minor and almost useless items -- bric-a-brac, soap, hairpins. The law-abiding country crumbled into petty thievery. Copper pipes and brass armatures weren't safe. Gasoline was siphoned from cars. People bought things they didn't need and used them to barter -- a pair of shoes for a shirt, some crockery for coffee. Berlin had a "witches' Sabbath" atmosphere. Prostitutes of both sexes roamed the streets. Cocaine was the fashionable drug.
Many Americans won't have Food, Clothing or Shelter

After the economy has collapsed, people will turn to the Government for handouts, but there won't be enough to feed or house everybody, resulting in such a degree of rioting and violence that most likely even Martial Law won't be able to control the masses, resulting in a collapse of federal, state and most local governments. 

Many vigilante militia groups attempting to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of institutional government will end up fighting each other for power. It is possible that some government officials such as an occasional mayor or marshal of smaller towns where everybody knows each other will survive, but mostly the only laws will be those enforced by one or more rivaling militia groups.

As food becomes even more scarce, people will be scrambling to survive, and a lot of folks are going to end up starving and freezing to death. Others will die at the hands of roaming criminals or even neighbors trying to survive themselves.

Many people will turn to friends and family for unity, security and social interaction, it becomming increasingly dangerous to trust anyone else. Many will turn to religious groups for comfort from the despair that will have become everyday life.  

Will You Survive?

If you plan to survive for long in a nightmare economic situation, you are probably going to need lots of food, warm clothing, blankets and cold weather clothes. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, you will need to be sure to store up some rain gear. If you think you may have to survive outdoors in an emergency situation, make sure that you and your family have something warm to put on your heads. 

The death of the dollar will affect everyone differently based upon what actions they took to prepare. Did they educate themselves about money vs. tradeable goods? Did they stock up on supplies knowing the rest of the world will take a while to catch up in their understanding and supplies will be interrupted?

Not only should you stock up on water, food, fuel and clothing, but you should stock the items needed to replenish these supplies, such as water purification tablets, seeds so that you can grow your own food, and that which is needed to build a windmill, for example, to generate power.

You will need to defend yourself and your loved ones, so you start building an arsenal, including plenty of ammunition. as this will not only become important for hunting and defense, but will become an excellent trading commodity possibly worth more than gold.

There is a lot you should and could know about surviving an economic meltdown, but I don't have the time or space to begin to cover them here, so I recommend the book, Primitive Living, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills, which includes dozens of skills and techniques that anyone can learn to meet the needs of clothing, shelter, fire, and water. It is a must read if you are serious about surviving the coming storm, however I have taken the liberty to suggest a couple of more excellent books bellow. These are all books linked directly to, so you could help yourself with a good book at the best possible price, while helping me make a modest commission so that I might survive as well.

No one knows for sure whether the dollar is headed for disaster. But many believe the dollar is on it's last leg. People can sense it. I can feel it. Assuming the best could be your demise.

Don't let this happen to you. Fewer than one in a hundred understand what's happening, and even fewer know what to do about it. You owe it to yourself to be one of those who do.

Written By: Tom Retterbush

Nobody understands what to do in this situation better than the man who saw it coming, Peter Schiff, who has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. Crash Proof 2.0 picks up right where his first bestselling book left off. This 364 page guide takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to affect your future financial stability and offers a specific plan to battle the current economic downturn, measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times and an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown and a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your.


How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
Survivalist expert James Wesley, Rawles, author of Patriots and editor of, shares the essential tools and skills you will need for you family to survive, including: Water filtration, transport, storage, and treatment options, food storage, fuel and home power, backup generators, garden, orchard trees, non-hybrid seeds, greenhouses, medical supplies and training, minor surgery, communications such as staying in touch with loved ones, when to get outta Dodge, including vehicle selection, routes and planning and investing and barter, building your barter stockpile. And much more. How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It is a must-have for every well-prepared family.
Order How to Survive the End of the World from Amazon starting at  $6.99, HERE

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Economy is still in Trouble; Many Experts still Predict Global Economic Meltdown

Some of the world's leading economists believe things are going to go from really bad to a whole lot worse!

In spite of the optimistic words of President Obama, stock prices keep declining at such an alarming rate that Wall Street, Economists and the Public alike are fearing a total meltdown of the global economy.
Fearing that the economy might dip back into another recession, investors are selling everything... 
Meanwhile, many leading and well known economists are fueling the fire, warning of an impending stock market crash which would result with first an economic then a social Armageddon.

Italy, Spain and Japan are having real problems now too, joining Greece, Portugal and Ireland as bankrupt countries close to civil war and revolution. Its beginning to look like a worldwide Armageddon is becoming more probable than possible each passing day.

When will America Collapse? What the video bellow and listen to the answers from experts like Jim Rogers, Max Wolf, David Walker, Gerald Celente, David Vickers and CNN's Jack Cafferty.

The end is coming, that much is clear, we cannot prevent it, we can only hope to stall it as long and best we can. Nobody can predict the day, the month, not even the year, but time is running out.

Since we cannot prevent the economic collapse or the chaos that will follow, we must prepare for it. And considering we don't know the year, month, week or day the shit will hit the fan, I strongly suggest we (you) start preparing now. Don't start procrastinating, finding excuses and keep putting it off. This mess could start a lot sooner than we think. In fact, doesn't something usually when we expect something the least?

The better your financial situation is right now, the better you can prepare for the coming storm. But no matter what your resources are, you had better get on it before it's too late!

Unless you are a skilled survivalist as well as an economic genius, I recommend the advice from the investment experts at Weiss Research, Sean Brodrick,ho has been featured on many financial talk shows, including CNBC Squawk Box, Fox Business, CNN, The Glenn Beck Program, Your World with Neil Cavuto and Bloomberg Market Line. He is a contributing columnist to and a frequent commentator on one of Canada's premiere financial websites,

Brodrick has written, The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide: The Smartest Money Moves to Prepare for Any Crisis, the ultimate guide to preparing for and profiting during a disaster of any kind. With this book, author Brodrick teaches you the simple things you can do that will help you prepare and profit in this changing economic landscape. He discusses how you should position yourself financially in order to survive—and possibly thrive—during a regular economic downturn, a full-blown recession, or an economic collapse. He addresses how to protect your health—and that of your family—as well as your home from uncontrollable events. He offers practical advice for storing food and water, buying survival gear, and becoming more self-sufficient. He even details different transportation options, should traditional means fail, and offers practical advice on evacuating an area should things become unstable.

I can also with a clear conscience recommend, The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse and Going Galt: Surviving Economic Armageddon, as well as How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain TimesHealth, Mind & Body Books) when things really go crazy.

Now, you can either believe that this is going to happen and start preparing, or you can deny the signs of the times and hope for the best. I just hope you don't put the lives of those who depend on you at risk because you're an optimist!

You may also want to read my article from yesterday, Friday, August 8, 2011, Fears of a Total Stock Market Crash triggers Fears of Worldwide Economic Armageddon.

Do you believe that a financial meltdown and social chaos is coming? Let me and my Conspiracy Watch readers know what you think by leaving a comment, bellow. 

Written By: Tom Retterbush

Nobody understands what to do in this situation better than the man who saw it coming, Peter Schiff, who has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. Crash Proof 2.0 picks up right where his first bestselling book left off. This 364 page guide takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to affect your future financial stability and offers a specific plan to battle the current economic downturn, measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times and an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown and a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your.


How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
Survivalist expert James Wesley, Rawles, author of Patriots and editor of, shares the essential tools and skills you will need for you family to survive, including: Water filtration, transport, storage, and treatment options, food storage, fuel and home power, backup generators, garden, orchard trees, non-hybrid seeds, greenhouses, medical supplies and training, minor surgery, communications such as staying in touch with loved ones, when to get outta Dodge, including vehicle selection, routes and planning and investing and barter, building your barter stockpile. And much more. How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It is a must-have for every well-prepared family.
Order How to Survive the End of the World from Amazon starting at  $6.99, HERE

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Fears of a Total Stock Market Crash triggers Fears of Worldwide Economic Armageddon

Economists Fear of a new, even Worse Recession are felt on Wall Street in the form of Falling Stocks

With Wall Street gripped by fears of a probable recession or possible depression, the stock market continues a dangerous downward spiral not seen since the financial crisis in the later part of 2008.

"We are continuing to be bombarded by worries about the global economy," said Bill Stone, a chief investment strategist.

Everyone is talking about financial collapse, financial meltdown and financial Armageddon. Everyone is expecting a real live stock market crash, like we haven't seen since the one that caused the Great Depression.

When you compound these already detrimental problems with American's ever dwindling work ethics and loose morals of our youth, Houston we have a problem.

Lets face it, America produces virtually nothing worthwhile for the world, just dollar bills. And even those our in trouble.

Europe is in just as bad, if not worse shape than the US; all the European nations (except Germany and one or two of the smaller, financially insignificant countries) are going broke. First Greece and Ireland, followed by Portugal, Italy and Spain. The Eurozone is going broke just like the US and Japan. France owns in excess of 500Billion Euros in Italian debt. Should Italy fall, will that bring France and the rest of whats left in the Eurozone into bankruptcy? Is the Euro going to capitulate before Christmas 2011?

In the meantime, the national debt of Japan is now well over 200% of GDP, while they are trying to recover from the worst disaster in their history, nobody is coming up with a solution for their problems.  Up to this point, Japan has been able to borrow massive amounts of money at extremely low interest rates from their own people, but that isn’t going to last forever either.

It seems to be a case of which, the completely worthless Dollar, the equally worthless Yen or the marginally worthwhile Euro collapsing first.

There seems to be no way out but to have a default en masse and start over.

Are you prepared for dealing with an economic collapse? What about an economic recession or depression?

I have seen this coming for quite some time. Way back in October of 2010, I wrote the article, Global Economic Armageddon. However, nobody predicted the current events better than Peter Shiff.

The economic and monetary disaster, as described by Wall Street prognosticator Peter Schiff is no longer  hypothetical. It has only just begun. For more than a decade, Schiff has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. What he sees today is a nation facing an economic storm brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate debt; too little savings; and a declining dollar.

Peter Schiff's timely Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to navigate the dangerous terrain. Throughout the book, Schiff explains the factors that will affect your future financial stability and offers a specific three step plan to battle the current economic downturn. Shiff discusses the measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times. He offers an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown. He outlines a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your savings. Crash Proof 2.0 will help you survive and thrive during the coming years of economic uncertainty.   

It is time you consider the different scenarios and plan how you could best protect your family in times of trouble, no matter if it's because of a financial collapse or a terrorist attack.

Do not plan to rely on the government for help, unless you don't mind living in a sports stadium for days on end while things get sorted out. But should you watch the Alex Jones Show FEMA Concentration Camps, Coffin and related videos about FEMA's planned concentration camps, you may want to reconsider that option anyway.

The most important considerations are of course, water, food, protection, shelter, sanitation and heat. 

You may want to form family alliances and community connections now, while the forming is good. Learn more about who lives in your neighborhood and potential dangers coming from neighbors. 

Consider your assets and what you already have that will help you to care for yourself, your family and others you care about. Recognize your weaknesses and work to overcome them.

One of the first things you should consider is your financial situation. If you have the means, you may want to consider buying or leasing a home in the country, now, while they are still available. If you have the means, you may want to buy a supply of nonperishable food and weapons to defend yourself and your loved ones.

There are several good books I recommend that can help you prepare, such as The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse, Preparing for the Coming Collapse of the U.S. Dollar (Surviving in the New America) and How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times(only available in Kindle format), but there are many, many more you can find with a simple search.

Its up to you to hope for the best or prepare for the worst. The question may be, can you afford to hope? Can you even afford to procrastinate?

Written By: Tom Retterbush
Updated: 5-10-12

Nobody understands what to do in this situation better than the man who saw it coming, Peter Schiff, who has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. Crash Proof 2.0 picks up right where his first bestselling book left off. This 364 page guide takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to affect your future financial stability and offers a specific plan to battle the current economic downturn, measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times and an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown and a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your.


How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
Survivalist expert James Wesley, Rawles, author of Patriots and editor of, shares the essential tools and skills you will need for you family to survive, including: Water filtration, transport, storage, and treatment options, food storage, fuel and home power, backup generators, garden, orchard trees, non-hybrid seeds, greenhouses, medical supplies and training, minor surgery, communications such as staying in touch with loved ones, when to get outta Dodge, including vehicle selection, routes and planning and investing and barter, building your barter stockpile. And much more. How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It is a must-have for every well-prepared family.
Order How to Survive the End of the World from Amazon starting at  $6.99, HERE

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