The powers of capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.
Their secret is that they have annexed from kings, queens, dictators, democracies and republics alike, the power to create the world's money.
International Bankers have Stolen the Power from the Worlds' Sovereign Nations to Create Money
The system of privately owned banks beginning in England in 1694 and now dominating the United States and every developed nation have financed most of the world's wars in the last three hundred years, greatly enabled and extended them by financing both sides, and driven these countries into massive debt, essentially enslaving governments and populations to international banking institutions
We cannot even begin to understand how great concentrations of economic and political power have developed in our country, why our farmers are being driven out of the agricultural industry in droves, how the advocates of world government are aiming to subjugate the nutritional supplement industry to the much more concentrated pharmaceutical industry, or why we are approaching a massive financial crisis that threatens to vaporize the average person's wealth while enriching only the very tip-top figures in the banking industry, unless we understand what real money is and what kind of an unthinkable crime and complete conspiracy the formation of our central bank has been.
The Rise of the Bankers
The banking industry evolved out of the gold industry. Goldsmiths would give certificates of ownership to customers so that they could hold on to their gold and keep it safe until needed.
However, eventually the goldsmiths discovered a process we now call "fractional reserve banking." They realized that at any given time, only a small number of people would come in to retrieve their gold. So they could make a lot more money if they simply issued ownership certificates for gold that didn't exist.
This, of course, is outright fraud. It is the exact same thing as making counterfeit money - but has nevertheless been the standard of the banking industry ever since.
The goldsmiths also discovered that if they increased the supply of this counterfeit money, they could produce an "economic boom" in which people would engage in much more risky economic projects requiring large loans - in fact, one of these absurd economic projects once included a plan to drain the Red Sea and search for gold the Egyptian army lost as they were chasing the Israelites - but then when they tightened the money supply the economy would shrink, causing a depression, which would allow them to foreclose on land, buildings and other goods purchased by the loans, allowing them to acquire these things at pennies on the dollar.
The Rise of Privately Owned Central Banks
Much of Christian Europe enacted usury laws that greatly hurt economic development by banning the collection of interest on loans. This stopped people from lending, and thus stopped anyone from engaging in economic activity that they couldn't finance themselves.
In the seventeenth century, however, the kings and queens of England relaxed the prohibition of interest, allowing the banking industry to flourish once again, then tightened them, causing a backlash. The bankers financed a revolution against King Charles, financed many wars, and threw the country into a great depression. The government was so indebted to the bankers that it sold them the right to establish a central bank that would have an exclusive monopoly on the right to produce the nation's money.
The bankers used this sale as an opportunity to expand on an old trick. Rather than paying the government the full price for the rights to the central bank, they put up only part of the capital, and then printed money out of thin air to "loan" to themselves to put up the rest!
Around the same time, the Rothschild family was coming to power in Germany. Moses Amschel Bauer, a goldsmith, opened a German moneychanging shop whose logo was an eagle against a red shield. From the German for "red shield," his son, Mayer Amschel Bauer, changed his last name from Bauer to Rothschild. Read my article, History of the New World Order: House of Rotschild Conspiracy,on Conspiracy Watch to learn all about the beginings of the Rotschilds, New World Order and international banking industry.
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Rotschild Family Tree |
Rothschild had five sons whom he sent all over Europe to establish centers of banking power. The family quickly learned that loaning to governments was far more profitable than loaning to individuals because the loans were larger and were secured by the government's power to tax. Moreover, so long as governments are supplied with sufficient finances, they can get involved in extensive wars, which destroy things that need to be rebuilt, and thus consume massive amounts of money. Once the debt is established, the government becomes locked into an endless cycle of using taxes to pay off interest as it goes further and further into debt.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild went to London and financed the wars against Napoleon, multiplying his 20,000 pounds by a factor of 2,500 in just 17 years. The Rothschilds financed American monopolies of railroads and steel, the diamond monopolies of Africa, and much of JP Morgan's financial exploits in America.
The Rise of Central Banking in America
In the century leading up to the American Revolution, gold and silver were so scarce in America that the colonies printed their own money called "colonial scrip." When King George asked Ben Franklin how the colonies became so prosperous, Franklin told him it was because they printed their own money and therefore never fell in debt to the bankers.
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Colonial Scrip |
Once King George heard this, he banned the colonial scrip, causing a massive depression in the colonies. England, having engaged in four large wars following the establishment of its own central bank was nearly 150 million pounds in debt - leading the king to levy taxes against the already hurting colonies. Franklin attributed the American Revolution primarily to the economic disaster resulting from the prohibition of colonial scrip.
To finance the war, the Continental Congress issued a new form of paper money, but produced so much of it that it plunged America even further into economic disaster. By the end of the war, a pair of shoes sold for $5,000!
Fast forward a few years. Alexander Hamilton wanted a robust national debt to align the interests of the wealthy with the government. If the government was in debt to the rich, the rich would support high taxes so it could pay them interest on the loans, and the government would do their bidding since they'd be pulling its purse strings.
After making a false start before the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Hamilton and the wealthy businessman Robert Morris successfully created a privately owned central bank called the First Bank of the United States in 1791. This was just one year after Mayer Amschel Rothschild stated, "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws."
This time, the bankers pushed their fraudulent "fractional reserve" scheme to its limits. The government put up 20 percent of the capital for the bank, and the bankers put up the rest. But where did they get the other 80 percent? They took it on loan from the bank!
By lending out four dollars for every one dollar the bank held on reserves, the 20 percent of the capital the government put up suddenly morphed into the 80 percent the bankers were supposed to supply! So the bankers took control of the nation's money supply without contributing anything except their keen ability to form conspiracies against the public.
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President Andrew Jackson |
After five years, the nation was $8 million in debt and inflation had gone up 70 percent. Thomas Jefferson stated that if he could obtain one constitutional amendment, it would be one that prohibited Congress from borrowing money. Although Jefferson moved to abolish the central bank, this was not accomplished until Madison's presidency years later. The same scenario repeated itself in 1816, and President Andrew Jackson, who campaigned on the slogan "Jackson and No Bank" abolished it, and was the only president in US history to ever completely pay off the national debt. We were debt-free!
Prosperity Without a Central Bank
For 77 years, America was without a central bank. Even though the bankers had engaged in many other activities to increase their power - like getting "national bank" charters allowing them to practice fractional reserve lending, banning the use of America's abundant silver as money to make the common man dependent on the bankers' gold, deliberately causing economic depression to buy up masses of land at pennies on the dollar - the free market favored the common man, and the bankers' power diminised over time.
America began building an economy built on savings rather than debt. In 1913, so many small banks had popped up that only 29 percent of banks and only 55 percent of deposits were controlled by the Big Boys that had formed the central banks and "national banks" of old. Corporations were borrowing less and investing savings instead - 70 percent of corporate funding came from profits instead of loans. If things continued the way they were going, America would have been free of the big bankers who always sought to own her.
In fact, several short-lived attempts to impose the central banking scheme on the United States were defeated by the patriotic efforts of Presidents Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren and Lincoln. But with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, America was firmly lashed to the same yoke, so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the masses a yoke little better than slavery itself. That yoke inevitably grows heavier with ever-compounding interest, and totals over $20 trillion of debt owed by the American people today ($80,000 per American) ultimately to these bankers.
The Formation of the Federal Reserve Bank
The big bankers had a plan. By restricting the money supply in 1907, they caused an economic panic. JP Morgan saved the day by printing money out of thin air to create an economic "boom," and many widely revered him as an American hero, including Woodrow Wilson of Princeton University, who later became president.
The heads of the big banks gathered in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. They were so secretive that they made a pact to only use their first names, so even the servants of the house in which they met would not know who they were.
In an article called "The 'First Names Club'" appearing in the February 9, 1935 edition of the Saturday Evening Post, Frank Vanderlip, one of the participants, wrote the following:
I was as secretive, indeed as furtive, as any conspirator . . . Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.
The bill initially failed in Congress, but the bankers financed the presidential campaign of their supporter, Woodrow Wilson, gave the bill a different name, gathered around it a different crowd of congressional supporters, and rammed it through. That bill was eventually signed into law as the Federal Reserve Act.
The income tax amendment was pushed through at the same time in order to produce a means of paying interest on the debt into which the Fed would soon plunge the country, although it would be decades before the "income tax" would come to mean a tax taken out of your paycheck.
How the Fed Works
Usually when the media talks about the Fed, it talks about the Fed adjusting interest rates. But the Fed really controls interest rates by controlling the money supply.
The main way the Fed controls the money supply is by purchasing government bonds. The decision to purchase bonds is made by the Fed's Open Market Committee. These bonds can be purchased from the government as it issues new ones, or from banks, corporations, and individuals who hold previously issued bonds. The Fed purchases them with electronic credits that have no existence as physical money, thus increasing the money supply.
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The Federal Reserve Room |
These e-credits then count as "reserves" in banks that hold them. Since banks are allowed to lend out over ten dollars for every dollar they hold, this e-money that was created out of thin air multiplies itself by a factor of ten, allowing even more money to be created out of thin air.
There are two other methods of controlling interest rates and the money supply that Money Masters does not discuss. The Fed can raise or lower the "discount rate" at which it lends to other banks and financial institutions, and it can raise or lower the "reserve requirement." The reserve requirement is the quantity of money that a bank must have on reserve in order to lend a given quantity of money. For example, if the reserve requirement is ten percent, a bank can loan out $10 for every $1 it has on reserve.
In other words, the Fed not only has the right to make money out of thin air, but it also controls the amount of money other banks are allowed to make out of thin air.
Why is this bad? It's simple: when the money supply goes up, there are more dollars chasing the same amount of goods and services, so the value of the dollar goes down and prices go up. But the prices take time to go up, so the people who get the money first - like the Fed, Congress, and the Fed's favorite corporations and banks whose bonds it decides to purchase - get the full value of the money. By the time it winds up in our hands, its value has gone down.
So the system is essentially designed to transfer wealth from the common men and women of the country into the hands of the elite corporations and bankers.
The success of the central banking scheme developed into a far-reaching plan described by President Clinton's mentor, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley, "to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank....sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levels of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."
This vast accumulation of wealth concentrates immense power and despotic economic domination in the hands of the few central bankers "who are able to govern credit and its allotment, for this reason supplying, so to speak, the life-blood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of the economy so that no one dare breathe against their will."
There was a time in this country when to ask someone for whom he worked was considered somewhat insulting, as it implied he was an incompetent, incapable of gainful self-employment.
But now, property ownership (net wealth) is not a general feature of our society, as it was before the Civil War, and largely was still until the Great Depression. Rather, net debt and complete dependence on a precarious wage or salary at the will of others is the general condition.
Since the exercise of freedom often includes using material objects such as books, food, clothing, shelter, arms, transport, etc., the choice and possession of which requires some wealth, we are forced to admit that the general condition of Americans is one of increasing dependence and limitations on our freedom.
Since the turn of the century, there has occurred throughout the world a major increase in debt and a major decline in the freedom of individuals, and of states, to conduct their own affairs. To restore a condition of widespread, modest wealth is therefore essential to regaining and preserving our freedom.
Global Economic Crash
What's going on in America today? Why are we over our heads in debt? Why can't the politicians bring debt under control? Why are so many people - often both parents now - working at low-paying, deadend jobs and still making do with less? What's the future of the American economy and way of life?
Why does the government tell us inflation is low, when the buying power of our paychecks is declining at an alarming rate? Only a generation ago, bread was a quarter and you could get a new car for $1,995!
Some reliable experts say a crash is coming (read my articles, The Economy is still in Trouble; Many Experts still Predict Global Economic Meltdown, Are You Prepared for a Possible Stock Market Crash, Depression, Anarchy, even Civil War?, Fears of a Total Stock Market Crash triggers Fears of Worldwide Economic Armageddon and Economists Fear US Apocalypse).
But there are also economists who say that there are simple things anyone can do to protect their families and to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads even in the worst of times.
To do this, we have to understand why a depression is coming, who's behind it, what they want, and how the perpetrators plan on protecting their families. Armed with this knowledge, any of us can ride out the coming storm.
To do this, watch the rather long (3 hrs 35 min) but thorough video bellow, as to gain an understanding of how the international bankers gained control, what the situation is today and what we (YOU) can do to prepare yourself to ride out this oncoming worldwide economic depression.
Larry Bates was a bank president for eleven years. As a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives, he chaired the committee on Banking and Commerce. He's also a former professor of economics and the author of the best-selling book The New Economic Disorder.
"I can tell you right now that there is going to be a crash of unprecedented proportions. A crash like we have never seen before in this country. The greatest shock of this decade is that more people are about to loose more money then at any time before in history, but the second greatest shock will be the incredible amount of money a relatively small group of people will make at the same time. You see, in periods of economic upheaval in periods of economic crisis, wealth is not destroyed, it is merely transferred." - Larry Bates
The problem is we have one of the worst monetary systems ever devised - a central bank that operates independently of our government, which, with other private banks, creates all of our money with a parallel amount of interest-bearing debt. That's why we can never get out of debt. And that's why a deep depression is a certainty, for most of our citizens, whether caused suddenly in a severe economic crash, or gradually through continued relentless inflation. The Fed is creating it to enrich its private stockholders, just like it deliberately created the Great Depression the 1930s.
The Federal Reserve headquarters is in Washington, D.C. It sits on a very impressive address right on Constitution Avenue, right across from the Lincoln Memorial. But it is not Federal. It is not even a part of the United States government at all.
It is owned by International Bankers.
Edited By: Tom Retterbush
For more on the history and workings of our economy, watch Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve, on my Videos page, and/or order the The Money Masters- How International Bankers Gained Control of America DVD, bellow.
The Money Masters- How International Bankers Gained Control of America DVD
3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.
Buy at Best Price from for $18.95 HERE
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ReplyDeleteThanks for this excellant article. The title could equally be,"How the Bankers Enslaved the Human Race".
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ReplyDeleteAmericans experiencing a "Controlled Crash" as we speak! ever-lower wages, fewer job opportunities, rising prices, the Chinese Yuan much stronger than the U.S. fiat "Funny money", oil prices, for a nation locked into oil, rising almost daily now, close to $100.00 U.S. dollars a barrel, and unrelenting bids in Yuan driving the price even higher, as the Fed's propose Q 3, 4, 5, even 6 "Easings" to deprecate, reduce buying power of the American wage. As we speak, Americans seeking domestic energy in Solar, Wind, Wave, Hydro, Tidal, Geothermal, Bio-mass, Gobar gas, Ocean thermals, and resigning their fate to Off Grid survival. All the while, China works feverishly towards perfecting Thorium fueled safer, cheaper, LFTR-reactors to fuel their Pan-Eurasian Empire, even Putin of Russia, re-educated, re-emerged, calls for a "Unity" - mistakenly or deliberately obfuscated by American media, but really referring to the Rising Pan-Eurasian Empire, and the many new cross border deals - all in Yuan, happening there now. For enlightenment, peruse on this very net, the skylines of the cities of the world. See the growth with your own eyes. Realize Detroit City now a Third World mess compared often to even Johannesburg in Africa. note the age of the buildings in New York, compare to Shanghai, Hanoi, Beijing, Hong Kong, Dubai, and you draw your own conclusions.
ReplyDeleteThis article, from a western perspective, dopes not admit that Asians, Japanese, Chinese , hold a controlling edge over the u.S. Dollar as we speak! This article is "Old School", valid even two decades ago, but no longer realistic!
An Immense collaboration forms the pan-Eurasian reality of today's world - even buying Canadian Tar Sands oil before it is recovered, and planning Thorium fueled lFTR-reactors there for environmentally friendly steam extraction, saving the natural gas wasted there now in extraction for export to China as liquefied Natural Gas, and they intend paying Canadians in Yuan for it! We speak now of oil deposits multiples bigger than all Saudi Arabia and those that drove the 20th century American "Golden Age"!
America: Stuck on Stupid! Suffering "Fuckoshima Shock", running on foreign oil from parasite nations at premium prices,sadly resisting Solar Wind, Wave, Hydro, Tidal, Geothermal, Gobar gas, Bio-mass, Ocean thermal energy, ever striving to maintain the "rubber wheeled gasoline guzzler, suburbia" phenomenon of the 1950's, and paying astounding prices for their insecurities, inabilities to endure an inevitable paradigm shift that is upon them as we speak! Even the Corporatist have deserted them for cheaper Asian labor, and the Capitalists led the way, absconding with American arm-pit earned Capital to Asian shores. The game this article describes is history now, and Asians now rule.
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