The Elitist Puppet- Masters needed a Charismatic, Likeable and Photogenic President to Replace a Disgraced and Dishonored Bush to win back the American People.
Barack Obama promised to bring change to America like no president before him. But few people, least of all me, understood what that change would look like should he and his Illuminati puppeteers succeed with their New World Order plans.
Many of you may have watched some of the videos from my last post, the 10 Top Conspiracy Videos of 2010, which featured Obama as a primary player in the New World Order, or read my post, The Presidential Corruption of Barack Obama (update), which not so much connected Obama with the New World Order, but rather showed you something about his character or lack thereof.
It was my investigation and research for these two posts which brought about my change of heart from being an Obama admirer and supporter, to my writing this article of condemnation.
Recently the Obama Doctrine was released, but although it appeared to be a blueprint of The New World Order, it offered no compelling vision to guide the ship of state. Rather it recklessly shifts our military’s focus from counter-terrorism to nation building and aspects of our foreign policy to organizations like the United Nations.
Obama’s National Security Strategy outlines his strategic approach and priorities of American interests. His strategy calls for strengthening “our military’s capacity to partner with foreign counterparts, train and assist security forces and pursue military-to-military ties with more governments. This means he will refocus military priorities away from more traditional war-fighting to nation building. Preparing other nations to defend themselves has merit but that mission shouldn’t sap scarce resources from more important missions.
Obama’s nation building plan is a core agenda of the New World Order. The NWO, with Obama as its spokesperson, intends to engage in nation building as we have seen in Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa, aka AFRICOM, as I briefly mentioned in my article, Kony 2012 is a Warmongering Conspiracy to justify US Military Action in Uganda and Africa.
To gain support of their plans, Obama tells the American people that the risk of nuclear attack has increased since the Cold War and nuclear dangers continue to proliferate. That we no longer fight wars over ideology, he explains, but “over religious, ethnic and tribal identity.” Inequality and economic instability have intensified and “the international architecture of the 20th Century is buckling under the weight of the new threats.”
Obama has dropped the concept of the global war on terrorism, “radical Islam” or “jihad” arguing we are not waging a “global war against a tactic—terrorism—or a religion—Islam,” but a “war with al Qaeda,” because as his spokesman explained, we don’t want “to validate the perception that Islam somehow justifies their violent actions.”
Obama set up his strategy with his usual charismatic style, calling for Americans to “see the horizon beyond” our current situation to a world in which “America is stronger.” He calls for “a strategy of national renewal and global leadership” that rebuilds the foundation of “American strength and influence.”
Obama’s New World Order strategy puts America at the center of the world, from where his fat cat, billionaire masters intend to manipulate our international plans. Although Obama promises to be “steadfast in strengthening old alliances” and expand cooperation with 21st Century centers of influence, such as Russia, China and India, the NOW plan calls for strengthening international institutions like the United Nations.
The NWO intentions for our military and engagement with international organizations are very revealing, indeed:
Although Obama writes, “Our armed forces will always be a cornerstone of our security,” he plans to “rebalance” our military’s capabilities by shifting the balance of power from the United States to the United Nations.
“We need a UN capable of fulfilling its founding purpose—maintaining international peace and security,” Obama writes in his strategy. He says “we are enhancing our coordination with the UN…”, also promising to help reform the organization’s “overall performance, credibility and legitimacy.”
In reality, however, its all about some rich, spoiled, power-hungry elitists wanting to rule the world. And in modern society, this is done through a global economy. Its all about money, power and domination.
With Obama’s popularity declining to an all-time low, some of you may be thinking, if Obama is the figurehead of the NOW, won’t their influence decline with his? If Obama is not reelected won’t that put a stop to them?
The Illuminati, today better known as the New World Order, has always backed both sides. Though originally primarily Republicans, they quickly realized it was beneficial to have both sides covered. It no longer matters who is elected President, as the NWO will be in control, regardless. The whole election process is nothing more than a well staged spectacle to pacify the masses, while casting an the illusion of democracy for all the world to see. For more on this, check out my article, Are US Elections Really Rigged?
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.
A New World Order has been a long time in the making. By making everyone believe that what they are doing is for the benefit of mankind, is what has made them appear as the answer to all our problems. However, even many of their own players, including US Presidents like Barack Obama, are compartmentalized and do not necessarily understand their role in developing a system that would ultimately enslave the people of our world should they accomplish pushing their agenda.
Written By: Tom Retterbush
Updated: 4-20-12
For more on this subject, read my article, International Bankers Gained Control over the United States and check out the puppets and puppeteers of the New World Order, on the Conspiracy Watch Players page.
Thanks Tom for a very well written article on the real crisis we face. Couldn't agree more. People need to hear this message from as many sources as possible, because sadly, they just aren't getting it. Ironically, these days the agenda isn't even being hidden between the lines. It isn't necessary anymore! People are so used to hearing the double-speak and lies from both sides that it seems normal to them.
ReplyDeleteKeep doing the good work and thanks again.
Come on people. Wake up!
I hope people do wake up. I have been following all of this for sometime. This was a very well written article and I retweeted it. Maybe more folks will read it. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt's apparent. Thank you for your courage and insight.
ReplyDeleteHere in south africa there are a few who want to hear the truth. People still refere him as the most powerful man in the world. I believe we should orchastrate an international protest against this group.
ReplyDeleteIf al-Qaeda is a group that started these riots in Lybya then it all comes together, they are like pawns in the game of chess and the Bilderberg group is like the King... omg
ReplyDeleteThe spirit of YHVH has departed from most of the churches in America because of the spirit of apostasy. The whole of the word of God is a testament or will by the blood of the testator. The very character and ethos of the Holy Scripture is salvation by the precious blood of Yahshua Messiah. It is a crimson cord that traces its way from the beginning to the end through the Garden of Eden to the book of Revelations. To take away or tear down this eternal life force that is forever present in the living word of God is to destroy the Revelation knowledge of God through Yahshua Messiah. Christ’s shed blood and sacred death was sufficient for the sanctification from sin throughout the ages of time and it is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible repetitively speaks of God’s promise to preserve his word when he says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). “The grass withereth, the flowers fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever”
BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE Is A Must Read For Every Truth Seeker as Cisco Wheeler has given the world a deeper insight as to how Catholicism, Masonry, Witchcraft,Mormonism and all Secret Societies, has blinded its spiritual tapestry within the very fibers of the Christian church. Through the traditions of man the Anti-Christ has come through the front door of the churches and has deceitfully sat himself down as a teacher in the pulpits of the world churches of today, to deceive what is left of the righteous seed. of YHVH GOD. Through the blinding of Luciferian knowledge in the churches of today,the world council of Religious Leaders aims to serve as a model and guide for the creation of a community of world religions.... The objective of the council is to serve a resource to the United Nations and its agencies around the world, nation states and other international organizations, offering the collective wisdom and resources of the faith and traditions towards the resolution of critical global problems. BABYLON THE BEAST RIDING THE BEAST OF REVELATIONS: 17
Peace On Earth and Good-Will to All. Keep reading & traveling. Meet Teachers, Peace Corps Workers an millions served by and in "UN" related initiatives providing food, medical and safe haven. Democratic Capatilism, wherein All vital needs (Education, Transportation,Medical, Staple Foods and Housing) are Provided to all World citizens and personal wealth is both limited with one Global System of protected rights including wages . . . is "Thankfully" where we have been going since starting to break down individual empires, dynastys, monarchys. The Globalists movement given (irreversabile) existance of sattelites and world-wide capabilities to smelt metal, process silica and burn eproms is the Peoples Movement. The notion that we seek to remain "divided" is exactly where we fail to achieve and maintain democratic control of a unified world-wide system of rights.A problematic flaw in the costruct of most cocpiracy paradigms continues to be a Simple Formal Fallacy . . .Prooving The Negative. Here is X Y & Z we assert these connections, motives and results . . . Now proove it isnt so. Please consider good "Scientific Method", keep traveling and meeting people from missionaries to mercanaries. Fortunitely What is happening is different than what is feared and I posit that as associative creatures we make any & all connection, but saying it does not make it so. Same old World, we'll be fine . . . with your help. Appreciate your spirit. I note descriptively that the information assessment is juvenile and non scientific in nature. Good-Luck.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing such a great job!!!! God bless us all... Let's all join hands and say... NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!
ReplyDeletewow.. ièm in syria, and im frightened by this man. lets all do something about it now before its too late! all countries vs shitty usa.................................................... NOT! POOR BITCHES! I LIVE IN NORTHERN CANADA AND HAVE A NICE PEACEFUL TOWN AND HAVE A PERFECT LIFE!! NO ONE WILL FIND US IN OUR NICE SEASONAL NORTHERN SETTLEMENT! GOOD LUCK CUNTS!
ReplyDeleteObama will strictly follow the new world order.
ReplyDeleteI don´t quite get who is the puppeteer? Please enlighten me, this is quite interesting...
DeleteThank you for your courage and insight.
ReplyDeleteThis will be cool go for it I will use it. Thank You
ReplyDeleteObama will destroy our nation. Now he has four more years to do it. Then watch all these cry babies start up, with saying, Obama is ruining our nation, Obama is destroying the Economy and every thing else. Obama is easy to menipulate, that is just one reason he's back in there. But he will go with the new World Order. But people are not smart, they really think Obama wants to help. They just do not get it and never will. Not until the US is no more then all these people are going to be saying what happened.
ReplyDeleteWELL STATED...
DeleteThat is some sublime material. Ne'er new that opinions could be this diversified. thank you for all the ebullience to offer such accommodating info here.
ReplyDeleteHow obnoxiously he just gives the middle finger ...This is a BS game of cat and mouse...He has caused the American budget to downward spiral to irreparable damages...This is the BIGGEST PONZI SCHEME THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL EVER ENCOUNTER... Why he is still in office is beyond my comprehension, the race card HAS GROWN OLD...And nobody in DC is going to do a damned thing because they ALL stand to gain from this MAJOR BANK HEIST IN OPERATION...I am mortified at the thought of what another 3 years will bring...SMDH
ReplyDeleteAnyone got any light sabers, or the one ring so we can take down the government? Just kidding, but seriously, we nee to figure out how to beat them.
ReplyDeleteDon't understand y yall still blame Obama it don't matter who is in office they will become a puppet or be killed